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Kincaide Park

Quincy, MA

Kincaide Park is a historic park in Quincy, ideally located in the center of a neighborhood and school zone. Located within a 10-year floodplain, inundation of the park in the past was common, and the site could not being utilized effectively. The residents were heavily involved in the design process to create a space with improved stormwater management, recreational zones, and a focus on the community. The renovations included a new turf field, basketball courts, a track, and a splash pad for children, along with other elements to use for exercise. A walking path circles the parks perimeter, offering movement around the site and views from all angles.

Samiotes' civil engineering, land surveying, and enviromental permitting "set the base" for the updates and renovations to the park. To control and mitigate frequent flooding, the civil design incorporates topographic strategies that maximize infiltration and stormwater capture through a network of rain gardens, landforms, and open spaces. The result is a neighborhood asset with the infrastructure seamlessly integrated throughtout it. 





Bishop Land Design, LLC +

Warner Larson Landscape



Civil Engineering

Land Surveying

Environmental Permitting


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